Grey - This first person shooter preview for the C64 is certainly worth a look!

Throughout the years we've featured many different types of news stories, from gaming updates, to music disks and even scene demos. Well here with another eye opening news story I think you'll like, as if you have a Commodore 64/C128, then it might be worth checking out the latest first person footage of a Doom like game called 'Grey'; a new game which is being currently developed by Piotr Kozka and will be released at some point in the near future. In light of this news, as always Saberman has done a video of the game in action.

Here is what the NFO says about the game "Grey is an FPS in development. There are four levels to explore in this version. Some areas are available only upon collecting a required door key (doors requiring keys are marked with vertical stripes placed on neighbouring walls) or opening push-walls. The player is initially equipped with two weapons; a pistol and chainsaw. Shotgun and chaingun can be collected later. The player can also collect ammunition, med kits and door keys. The objective of every mission is to find exit - a green blinking map square.". And that's all there is to say about the game, but as soon as it's available as a public demo or as a full game we will let you know.


  1. Very impressive! The attention to the pattern/coloring really helps keep things defined which is top priority given the resolution that the game has to run in.

  2. Very nice, a bit too much patterns for my taste.

    1. I agree. Too much trouble for the eyes. It would be better if the wall was simple, maybe in one color.

    2. Indeed, a color overload. Good programming though !

    3. It's because of the colour settings in the emulator. It's possible to pick a more toned palette.

  3. In any case ,since (and that's an estimated guess)as it seems porting "VicDOOM" to C64 attempt may have produced very poor and disappointing unworthy results and canned, because i find it highly improbable still no one has'nt attemptedt it yet since 2013, in contrast with ADOOM -"VicDOOM" port-or Atari XL/XEs ,maybe GREY is an "as good as it gets" FPS for C64s and will have to reconcile with C64 FPS expectations and the so called irritating patterns on the walls.

  4. Wow, what a sound! Music by Kamil Wolnikowski... Hmmm... Heard this name before somewhere... Yes. It's none other than Jammer. One of the few people alive in the world who absolutely master the C64 SID soundchip and at the same time know a thing or two about music theory. There are things happening on the audio track that simply shouldn't be possible all at once on a C64.

    1. LOL
      I was wondering, too, how they managed to play those sounds and music simulatenously. A true miracle!

    2. While i do share 100% your admiration on "Jammer'' 's absolutely excellent work on C64 and that he is one of a top of the top group of 'recent' Sid composers/musician according to "Jammer"'s interview he is a self taught musician without any musical background /knowledge of music theory and that he regrets not mastering any live instrument.While i found at first hard to swallow , that only makes his C64 musical deeds even more impressive.

  5. What kind of screen mode is that? I wonder how they got that super low-res look. Which obviously allows super fast drawing. Very nice! And great music.

    1. It runs in the multi-color bitmap mode.

  6. This is cool! The best 3D for the C64 I ever seen! And not just 3D, it's a Doom clone! Best sound I ever heard from the C64 as well! I want to play this game.


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