WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 17 - The latest Amiga emulator beta update features American Laser Game support

A rather sweet update article today for Amiga users, as the latest WinUAE beta release features a very decent addition indeed. In the latest WinUAE 3.4.0 beta 17, Toni Wilen has added American Laser Game support in light of the discussion thanks to Earok on the EAB forums. According to Earok one of the American Laser Disc games ' Mad Dog McGree ' was powered in an Arcade cabinet via an Amiga 500, along with a genlock and a laserdisc player. Now thanks to a long running debate, the first beta WinUAE has been released and actually has a American Laser Games configuration setting.

Sadly though I'd love to go into a full article in more detail about this, but tonight timing is short as it's a celebration of my Granddad's birthday. So make sure to read the changelog below, and of course the current on going discussion.

Beta 17:

- Allow non-power of 2 manually configurable memory size, in 64k blocks. (Unsupported with JIT)
- If possible bitplane overrun situation is active, skip BPLCON0 non-delayed modification optimization. (Massive / Skarla)
- Do not steal focus from tree view GUI panel when moving selection up or down using keyboard.
- Switching from 32-bit to 24-bit address space CPU with Z3 UAEGFX: Mode was changed to Z2 without validating old size.
- Some Z2 fast mem only configs crashed at startup.
- American Laser Games arcade hardware emulation. ROMs added to ROM scanner, LD drive is also emulated. LaserDisc emulation uses recently added genlock video emulation to play the video. (Games will run without video but it also makes them completely unplayble..). NVRAM load/save support. ALG input events added to Input panel. (Pointless genlock video was useful after all!)
- Genlock video file sound track is also supported but it is only played in ALG LD emulator mode.
- Genlock image/video is now always scaled to screen, previous limited integer only scaling is gone.
- Added genlock keep aspect option.
- Picasso IV and x86 VGA ROM file was cleared when loaded. (b12)
- Updated to Visual Studio 2017 RC

American Laser Games configuration:
- Standard A500, KS 1.3, ECS Agnus. Extended ROM = game ROM selection.
- Genlock ALG mode, with video path pointing to LaserDisc video file.
- Input config: Lightpen (do not configure mouse in Amiga mouse port), ALG Right Trigger = fire. Service = service menu. Right Start and Right Coin needed to start the game and use service menu. Mad Dog McCree also needs Right Holster (reload). Player 2 is not fully supported.

Links :1) Discussion 2) WinUAE 2) 32BIT 3)64BIT (Please make sure to read the set up guide first)

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