Crazy Priest Extra - Made on a real Amiga and ready for play!

It is of course a Monday and what better way to start this rather damp and drizzly week than a new game to brighten your day with ' Crazy Priest Extra ' on the Amiga! This game which was made on a real Amiga, was developed over 2 years ( with breaks ) and was finished and shown off for the first time at the RetroKomp party, coming in a rather decent 3rd place position. Crazy Priest Extra was programmed by Sordan, graphics by Aszu and music by Jmd!

Playing as a Crazy Priest you must collect all the diamonds in all the multiple themed levels while also collecting keys to open up the doors scattered throughout. Be aware though it wont be an easy task, as there are nasties in this game such as bats that will need to be shot with a bit of flame firepower or blown up with a mighty bomb. Just be careful not to touch an enemy however as you will lose a life and there's not many to spare.

Requiring an Amiga Classic with a 68020 processor and 2 MB RAM, Crazy Priest Extra is a charming little game that looks to be a mash up of bits of Bomberman, a puzzler, and a Monty Python sketch. You'll be dropping bombs, trying to figure out where to go next, and chuckling at the sound effects such as being hurt, or if you hurt a baddie which will result in a loud belch! Certainly a game that's worthy of a playthrough and more so if you have a friend as this game can also be played as a multiplayer death match!

In the main folder there are 2 executable files. One is for a single player mode with 16 levels and another one is for multi player mode with another 8 levels for quick battles. Game has a freeware status however they are planning to make a box collector version of this game soon as well.

Links : 1) Download 2) Discussion 3) Website

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