Organism, Legend of Atlantis and more! Teased with new C64 footage by Trevor Storey

Even though I should be taking a break today going by the fact it's my Birthday, I thought this was too good to miss as Trevor Storey has released a new video containing footage for three upcoming C64 games, Organism by Trevor Storey/Achim Volkers, Legend of Atlantis by Trevor Storey/Stuart Collier and Soulless 2 by Trevor Storey and Georg Rottensteiner. These three games have been featured before but not in such visual detail, as now you can get an impression of the music by the awesome Saul Cross, and enjoy a snippet of the rather cool gameplay!

We've already come across their previous game of Argus which is an extremely good Dungeon Crawler Maze like game, but these new ones offer a range of gameplay from Organism an isometric Alien blaster, to Legend of Atlantis a split room Indiana Jones style platformer, to Soulless 2 a high quality action adventure! So whichever game you're looking forward to, you can be rest assured it will be a good'n!

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