Cleo - A Celtic Heart style game demo'd on the Amiga

If you loved playing Celtic Heart on the Amiga ( I know Amiga Bill did ), then you might be interested in playing this latest demo released by ebenupton for the Commodore Amiga called 'Cleo'. Now before you get too excited and think this is an upcoming game, according to the developer this is a sample application as a simple 50hz horizontal scrolling platform game as a test to see how much performance he can squeeze out of the baseline OCS/ECS hardware, compared to what he could do as a teenager back in the 1990s.

Although he is looking for feedback and constructive criticism, he goes on to say the game is using some old graphic assets he had to hand (credit to Nick Lee for those), and a further approach is to use the copper to perform all writes to blitter registers, with further efficient methods as a goal in writing software solely to reduce instruction fetch bandwidth....

And that's just a small snippet of the info on hand, but for a more detailed description please see the EAB Forums link below.

Links :1) EAB Forums 2) Download 

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