Super Metal Hero - A rather cool WIP Amiga AGA platformer development update

We've recently been informed via the Commodore Amiga Facebook group, that the upcoming Amiga game known as 'Super Metal Hero', has just received a new video update showing all the progress so far that has been made in the development of the game. This game announced by us sometime ago but with a different coder, is a new Amiga game that is being coded in Blitz Basic by Colin Vella, graphics by Tenshu, Music by JMD and publishing by Double Sided Games.

Although the footage shown (link/link/link) is still in a development stage and we are not sure of a release date, already we can see the game has come along way since its first showing. As not only has the team behind the game been optimizing it to work on a stock Amiga 1200, but the game includes player transformation, breakable boulders, new enemies, stage 4 engine integration, a scrolling world map, new map locations, and much much more.

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