Tank in a Dungeon - Battle dangerous robots with a tank in this new Amiga/C64 game by Rozsoft [UPDATE]

Usually when it comes to dungeon based games, you play as a knight or a group of people battling dangerous enemies, while avoiding traps and looking for glorious loot....But not in this game! Welcome to 'Tank in a Dungeon' by Rozsoft for the Amiga and Commodore 64. A game in which you not only play as a Tank , but you must battle through multiple dungeon levels against dangerous robots and other nasties. To coincide with this news, Saberman has provided a video showing version 1.4 for the C64, and the latest Amiga version released today.

C64 Version

Amiga Version

And here's the latest. "There was an earthquake in the Kilimanjaro Mountains in Africa. As a result, a huge cave was exposed. Researchers were sent there to check what was inside. Only one man returned, who told terrible things about huge dungeons full of dangerous robots. Some of the researchers could still be there. It was decided to send a tank there to explore the dungeons and destroy the aliens. You will command this tank - good luck!"

Update : Amiga Release

The Amiga version is slightly different. There are 12 levels in front of you, which shouldn't give you much trouble. The game is meant to entertain and evoke a touch of nostalgia. Your task will be to rescue the largest number of lost scientists and destroy all aliens. You will use scattered cartridges to replenish your ammunition, and you will increase your armor through gold chests. Beware of fireflies, which destroy the armor. Sometimes you will have to move magnetic blocks, which are eager to attach to the armor. You can drop them with the B key.

Links : 1) Amiga 2) C64


  1. Oohhh!!! I'm like retro maze mistery tank shooter.. !!!
    Thanks bro !!

  2. Reminds me of Super Tank Simulator from back in the day, which is not a bad thing.

  3. I have already seen those 4 enemies shown in the picture in Antiriad (C64)

    1. true, they are identical baddies

  4. Hard before you come to terms with it, but has a "one more go" aspect that keeps you coming back.

  5. To be honest, the Amiga version is not my preferred one! Could have been better but that's just my opinion! I prefer the C64 version

    1. I've got to say I agree... The C64 version has a certain charm the Amiga version lacks :(


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