Spider Climber - Play as Spiderman in this new C64 Crazy Climber Challenge game!

Another retro gaming article to keep you company and yes there's certainly been a lot of news throughout this week, is a brand new game for the Commodore 64 called 'Spider Climber'. This game developed by Arturo Dente for the Crazy Climber Challenge, is a vertical scrolling Arcade game in which you need to climb huge towering buildings while trying not to be knocked off by the Goblin or the fire which is rising from beneath!

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This is what the developer says about the game on his itch io page : My spinoff of Spiderman's game for the C64, wrote for the "Crazy Climber Challenge" into the Retro Programmers Inside facebook group. How much high can you go? Avoid to touch obstacles with your hands, avoid the Goblin and avoid the fire that comes from the bottom if you are still. For those of you who want to play this game, it's available at the link below!

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