Reprisal - A godly game inspired by Populous with a Demo!

This is Reprisal, a godly game inspired by Populous in which you, as a god, must use your powers to terraform the land and lead your followers to victory over the enemy forces. Reprisal by ReprisalUniverse, started off as an in development browser based title and very quickly became rather popular, to the point of now appearing on Desura, and needing your votes on Steam Greenlight. You have, just like in Populous, the ability to change the land around you, the better the land the more developed the buildings and the more people that appear. But that's just one part of the game, the ultimate enjoyment comes about in the power at your disposal from raising the sea water level to drown people, burning the land with raging fire, bring down a bolt of lightning to strike the earth, and commanding meteor showers to destroy an entire civilization in an instant. But there's more!

Reprisal features 30 Campaign islands, un-lockable challenge islands, 5 terrain types, increased population totals against 3 other AI players, full screen support and a full chip tune soundtrack. You can buy all of this through Desura for only £3.99 but if steam is your thing, they really need your steam votes on Steam Greenlight.


A truly great game for a great price!

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