MotorGun - Return of the Auto Duel - An action packed vehicle dueler (Kickstarter)

Game Type : vehicular combat game
Developer/Project By : Pixelbionic
Kickstarter Goal : $650,000
Developer Quote : An exciting new vehicular combat game from a team that includes the creative minds behind Twisted Metal and Interstate ‘76.
Game Info Quote : MotorGun will weld real world car physics and a diverse set of realistic cars to a set of amazing weapons systems of all kinds. It puts you in control of a deep set of customization elements - from paint to payload, it's all up to you. As you play you'll advance and be exposed to an ever-deepening set of vehicle tech-trees, blowers, turbos and sway bars - heat seekers, miniguns and rocket pods. Try you hand in multiplayer combat in the wasteland. To the victor goes the spoils. It's the culmination of over two decades of car combat video game pedigrees and it's commin' at you at wide open throttle. Also to mention the action-packed vehicular brawls with equal parts shooting and mêlée combat. The frenetic high-octane multiplayer battles take place across a range of diverse tactical environments. From the open desert terrain to a burned-out abandoned city, each location will be designed and built to enhance game play, from all-out combat to team-based strategic assaults.
Release : Oct 2014
Systems : PC, Others(?)

There's even more to this destructive game, so make sure to check out the kickstarter link and pledge!

Main Website link

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