CPCRetroDev 2018 - Amstrad CPC Game Creation Contest is over and the winner is....

This year's CPCRetroDev 2018 has been mouth watering for the Amstrad CPC as throughout the competition we have seen many fantastic entries announced such as Jarlac, Legend of Steel, Operation Alexandra, The Adventure of Timothy Gunn, OPQA vs QAOP, Crimson Knight Adventures and many many more making a grand total of 41 enteries. Well as the competition is over, we finally have a winner and out of all of them the top spot was taken by..... Operation Alexandra!

Yes indeed one of our personal favourites is the overall winner 4MHZs ' Operation Alexandra '; an upcoming action packed platformer that set in a secret Nazi military base in the Arctic. But that doesn't mean the 2nd, 3rd, 4th place winners were not worth mentioning, as from the look of the competition it was a real tough one with each game such as Jarlac, Legend of SteelThe Adventure of Timothy Gunn blowing us away with high end Amstrad quality.

So yes a brilliant competition indeed, and when the games are ready for playing, I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on all of them. - Well done to you all!

Links :1) Website  2) 41 Game Trailers

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