Oil Panic - A Game & Watch classic from 1982 appears on the Amstrad CPC

Another day and another Game & Watch mention, as the previous one was called 'Mario's Cement Factory' which was created by Hayesmaker64 as his first assembly game, this latest release however called 'Oil Panic' has been developed for the Amstrad CPC by Crazy Piri as a tribute game. Now unlike the other game mentioned above starring Mario, Oil Panic is the first of a 1982 Game & Watch Multi screen series in which you need to collect oil from an oil leak, while also avoiding oil being dropped upon waiting customers!

According to the Wiki of this game : In Oil Panic two Customers are waiting at a Petrol station to fuel up. Meanwhile, an oil leak from a pipe on the third floor is causing confusion. The station helper tries to catch the drops of oil in his bucket by moving left or right. The problem is that the bucket only holds three drops at a time, so to empty his bucket he needs to go out on the veranda and pour the oil into the Boss's oil drum on the second floor. 

  • Crazy Piri logo by LeZone
  • Oil Panic mascot on the intro screen by Kukulcan
  • Code & other graphics by RedBug

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