Here on Indie Retro News we do love writing about the Atari XL/XE, I mean seriously we can't stop featuring the latest games released for this system. Well here we are with another story sent to us by Saberman, and it's the latest new level update for the classic game of 'Lord of the Orb'; A game that was originally released way back in 1985 by Antic Software. In light of this news, we have some new footage of the levels included in the game viewable below.
Although I've never played the game myself and information is very sparse about the gameplay. Here is what a number of people said about the original in brief. "A vertically scrolling clone of Tutankham. Played and enjoyed this game very much. It's very similar to King Tut's Tomb and Dandy, which makes it a solid pre-Gauntlet dungeon crawler". And that's all we know about the game, but if anyone has played it here, please reply in comments and tell us more :)
Happy new year! Great reviews!