Caren and the Tangled Tentacles 2 - An incredible C64 adventure gets a sequel tease

For many months now we have been discussing the brilliant Caren and the Tangled Tentacles on the C64 by Oliver Lindau , Martin Wendt and Kamil Wolnikowski. It was released as a downloadable 1.1 version, and then later as an exclusive limited Caren and the Tangled Tentacles V1.3. Which meant that many of us didn't get the chance to play the gorgeous final build. But now we have even better news as Caren and the Tangled Tentacles 2 has been officially announced!

As a heads up by Oliver Lindau, he has said Caren and the Tangled Tentacles 2 will going through numerous changes and additions including the game mechanics and its content. It will be a new game which will include a remake of the first part, and arranged into several chapters and less linear. Furthermore the village will be much bigger inclusive of new characters, and most of the doors you'll find will be enter able depending on the flow of the game, if Caren is allowed in by the occupant of course. Another interesting fact regarding the development, all planned buildings will be constructed out of several locations and existing rooms from Caren V1 will get an overhaul in some cases.

As for the controls, they will be overhauled as well making the game more smooth to play including the story mode. The quick-exit option has now became a direct action panel item and we omitted the double-click completely and a quick-traveling option to places you already visited.

In regards to the release date, they are hoping for a release in 2017 with updates throughout the year, although they say they will not make tight predictions of when or how the game will be released in its final form. But as soon as we know more, including higher quality images and not Facebook ones, we will of course let you know.

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